Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unltrasound #2

Today I had my 2nd ultrasound. I will have about 14 ultrasounds if I go to 38 weeks. After 16 weeks my doctor wants me to have an ultrasound every 2 weeks. This means we will be getting very acquainted with our little ones before we finally are able to meet them.

At my ultrasound today everything looked great! The babies were moving like crazy all about, it almost looked like they were kicking each other already. It has been so surreal to think that I have 2 little lives growing inside me! I am thanking God everyday that everything continues to go well and the babies are growing strong and healthy. They are measuring right where they should be and Baby A had a heart beat of 162 and Baby B had a heartbeat of 150.

A lot of people have been asking if we are finding out what we are having and the answer is, yes. I'd like to be a little prepared with TWINS :) We might be able to tell genders at 16 weeks but it will be more conclusive at 20 weeks of course. Yesterday, Alec said that there were "little brothers in mommies tummy"......We are very excited to find out what these little ones will be.

Thanks to everyone for the love and support of our growing family. Please continue to pray for the babies and that they continue to grow strong and healthy! Here are a few pics for the babies photo shoot today :)

                                                                     Baby B

Baby A
Best shot of both babies, it's their bellies you are looking at :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

and it begins....

After about 4 hours of my time I was finally able to figure out this blog thing again. My goal in making this is to keep our family and friends updated on your twin pregnancy and let's not forgot our lovable little boy, Alec. I hope this can be used for those who like to follow "pregnancy news" and also ask for prayer during the next 6 months for our babies, whom we cannot wait to meet!! I don't want to post every week but I plan to give updates following appointments and other happenings that are going on in our life at the moment. Thanks for taking time to read and I will do my best to keep this up to date :)