Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nearing the end.....

36 weeks and 5 days. I remember the first months of my pregnancy I was so worried as to how long I would be able to carry these babies and every week was a blessing. Now we are nearing the end of my pregnancy and soon we will be holding our sweet baby girls. I have 1 more OB appointment next week, 2 more non-stress tests and an induction scheduled for 7am on 4/19, if nothing happens before then. 2 weeks ago the babies where measuring 5lbs 8 oz, and I am measuring 42 weeks as of today. My doctor says that towards the end it is more difficult to get an accurate weight and they could measure 1/2 lb-1 lb smaller or larger. So we are probably looking at low 5lbs babies or high 6lb babies. Either way right now their lungs are developed and we most likely will not need to stay in the hospital longer then necessary. I have also been asked a lot what type of delivery we will be doing. Right now both babies are head down and have been that way for many weeks. So we are planning on doing a natural (with an epidural of course) delivery.  I was nervous delivering just one baby with Alec, and now we well I will have to deliver 2, not going to lie, this kinda freaks me out, but my doctor has reassured me about the process and procedure and we just pray that everything works out during the delivery.

One of my other worries during this pregnancy was having to go on bed rest at some point but I have been fortunate to work throughout out it all. I have decided to make this Friday my last day of work. I think working up to 37 weeks with twins is pretty darn good, so I thought I would take a few days off before the babies come (if possible). So I will use next week to hang out with Alec, finish some last minute things around the house and prepare for their arrival. Then I will have a full 3 months off of work and be able to hang out with our 3 kiddos. I guess their might not be a whole lot of "hanging out" actually, instead probably sleepless nights, feedings, changing, laundry, and all the other fun that comes with newborns x's 2 :) Not only will their be many changes of having 2 newborns but also Alec adjusting to his sisters in his home, his 1:1 little world will be rocked,  but I know he will be a great big brother and be able to help out a lot. He already says he will help with bottles and last night he said he will help change their butts :) his words exactly.

I am looking forward to having spring babies so that we can be outside more, however, the way this weather is going we will probably have to bundle the babies up when we leave the hospital. We have 1 camping trip planned while I am on maternity leave. We are going to hoffmaster with some friends and staying in a camper, not a tent or pop up, so hopefully this will work out and we can enjoy a little vacation while I'm on leave.

To everyone who is reading this Aaron and I ask for prayers in the next upcoming week as we prepare for our baby girls. Please pray a safe and healthy delivery and recovery for me as well. Please pray that we will be able to take the babies home with us and that their will not be any complications. We have appreciated all of the support and kindness that have poured out to us during the last 9 months!

Stay Tuned for the next post.....which will be introducing Baby A Nienhuis and Baby B Nienhuis :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

32 weeks 5 days

I know it's been awhile since our last update. However, we have not had to much stuff going on. Our computer crashed for a couple weeks so that was one reason plus I haven't had any appointments for about 3 weeks so we really didn't have anything new to report.

Here is where we are at so far:

I'm 32 weeks and 5 days along. I had to make it to 32 weeks to be sure to deliver at Holland Hospital. So we are happy I've gone this far without any complications.

I started going 2x's per week for Non Stress Tests to Holland Hospital. These are on Wednesdays and Saturdays so at least I can schedule them on my day off and on the weekend.

Our ultrasound today showed the babies are continuing to thrive. Baby A is 4 lbs 5oz and measuring 32 weeks and 3 days, and baby B is 4lbs 6 oz and measuring 32 weeks 5 days, both babies are right on schedule. They are also still cooperating and are head down so at this point we are still planning on a normal delivery.  They are both super active and my belly moves like crazy throughout the day, they still tend to rest a lot of night so I'm thankful for the sleep I've been able to get. I'm still continuing to work my normal schedule and I'm not on any restrictions at this point, another thing to be thankful for, however, by the time I do get home from work I'm exhausted and usually spend most of the evening in relaxation mode :)

Here are a couple pics to show the progress

29 weeks                                                                      32 weeks
And this is how big Aaron thinks I will get :)

Lot's of people have been asking if we are ready for the babies...and I guess our answer is we are ready as we will ever be. Honestly, we have everything we need at this time and our blessed by the outpouring support of our family, friends, and church members.

Next appointment and ultrasound is in 2 weeks so we will see what happens from now till then.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

All about Alec :)

This weekend was particularly special for us. We were able to get away with Alec and spend some quality time with just him before his sisters arrive. Thanks to Groupon we were able to stay overnight in Chicago and then head to Shedd Aquarium on Saturday.

Alec had a ton of fun going in the pool, even though he was a little scared at first, he eventually was jumping right to Aaron. He loved the city with all the trains and the lights. All the big buildings were called "castles" to him. He saw so many fish at the aquarium it and it was so fun to see him so excited. Here are a few pictures of the weekend.

Alec watching the city

This weekend we also celebrated entering the 3rd trimester! This pregnancy is going so fast!! I go in for another ultrasound and dr. appt on Wednesday. I also have my glucose test on Wednesday so I hope that goes well too. After this week I start to see the dr. every 2 weeks instead of monthly. My ultrasounds will still be every 2 weeks as well, so again, I'm thankful I have Wednesdays off.

I also wanted to give a shout out and ask for prayers for my 6 year old nephew, Nate, who is undergoing another open heart surgery tomorrow. His last one was when he was just 6 months old. Hopefully, the doctors will be able to figure out the issue that is going on (I'm not exactly sure on all the details) but he will be in ICU all week at Devos at his surgery at the Heart Center. Please lift him up in prayers tomorrow, as well as my brother and sister in law, Josh and Ruth.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I'm nearing week 25 week of my pregnancy, crazy to think that in 3 months (hopefully no sooner), we will be meeting out 2 little angels. I have been reminded lately of how incredibly blessed we have been. I have had numerous family, friends, and co-works help us prepare for these babies and I am reminded we are more then ready for these babies to come.

For some reason I can't upload a pic on no prego pic this time.....

I am also thankful for such a easy pregnancy again. God has blessed this pregnancy in so many ways. At each appointment and ultrasound the babies are showing great health, and my health has been good too. I,  have been fortunate to still be working my normal hours at work too, only missing 1 day due to being hit with the stomach flu. It has been extremely nice to have a break in the middle of the week as I have Wednesdays off. My personal goal is to be able to work and carry the babies until the beginning of April. April 3 to be exact is our 4 year anniversary and is when I'll be about 36 weeks. April 19 marks 38 weeks and I most likely will not go over that date, so 3 months from this coming Saturday we will have our babies!

My doctor has been great and very encouraging about the delivery. As long as the babies are in a good position I will proceed with a normal birth. However, if baby A is transverse (sideways), a C-Section will most likely be done. The fact of giving birth to 2 babies is still a bit overwhelming but I know in time my nerves will be calm.

Today I had another measurement ultrasound and they sure are growing. My last ultrasound 4 weeks ago, showed the babies where just under 1lb. Now, Baby A is 1 lb 10 oz and measuring 25 weeks and 1 day, Baby B is 1 lb 12 oz and measuring 24 weeks and 6 days, both right on schedule! The babies are kicking and moving like crazy too, all day long! Fortunately, sleeping has not been an issue so that is another blessing. I think God is providing me with good nights of rest because he is trying to prepare me for the lack of sleep I will be getting when the babies come home:).

Last but not least is the NAME dilemma.....any suggestions for girl names are appreciated. We are still going back forth and not ultimately set on any 2 names, hopefully we can come to an agreement soon!

Thanks for reading and supporting Aaron and I during this time. It has been a true blessing to see everyone support us during this time.