Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nearing the end.....

36 weeks and 5 days. I remember the first months of my pregnancy I was so worried as to how long I would be able to carry these babies and every week was a blessing. Now we are nearing the end of my pregnancy and soon we will be holding our sweet baby girls. I have 1 more OB appointment next week, 2 more non-stress tests and an induction scheduled for 7am on 4/19, if nothing happens before then. 2 weeks ago the babies where measuring 5lbs 8 oz, and I am measuring 42 weeks as of today. My doctor says that towards the end it is more difficult to get an accurate weight and they could measure 1/2 lb-1 lb smaller or larger. So we are probably looking at low 5lbs babies or high 6lb babies. Either way right now their lungs are developed and we most likely will not need to stay in the hospital longer then necessary. I have also been asked a lot what type of delivery we will be doing. Right now both babies are head down and have been that way for many weeks. So we are planning on doing a natural (with an epidural of course) delivery.  I was nervous delivering just one baby with Alec, and now we well I will have to deliver 2, not going to lie, this kinda freaks me out, but my doctor has reassured me about the process and procedure and we just pray that everything works out during the delivery.

One of my other worries during this pregnancy was having to go on bed rest at some point but I have been fortunate to work throughout out it all. I have decided to make this Friday my last day of work. I think working up to 37 weeks with twins is pretty darn good, so I thought I would take a few days off before the babies come (if possible). So I will use next week to hang out with Alec, finish some last minute things around the house and prepare for their arrival. Then I will have a full 3 months off of work and be able to hang out with our 3 kiddos. I guess their might not be a whole lot of "hanging out" actually, instead probably sleepless nights, feedings, changing, laundry, and all the other fun that comes with newborns x's 2 :) Not only will their be many changes of having 2 newborns but also Alec adjusting to his sisters in his home, his 1:1 little world will be rocked,  but I know he will be a great big brother and be able to help out a lot. He already says he will help with bottles and last night he said he will help change their butts :) his words exactly.

I am looking forward to having spring babies so that we can be outside more, however, the way this weather is going we will probably have to bundle the babies up when we leave the hospital. We have 1 camping trip planned while I am on maternity leave. We are going to hoffmaster with some friends and staying in a camper, not a tent or pop up, so hopefully this will work out and we can enjoy a little vacation while I'm on leave.

To everyone who is reading this Aaron and I ask for prayers in the next upcoming week as we prepare for our baby girls. Please pray a safe and healthy delivery and recovery for me as well. Please pray that we will be able to take the babies home with us and that their will not be any complications. We have appreciated all of the support and kindness that have poured out to us during the last 9 months!

Stay Tuned for the next post.....which will be introducing Baby A Nienhuis and Baby B Nienhuis :)

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